
Part #5 Matthew 5-7 (Finding The Gospels in The Weekly Torah Portions)

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Manhu Ministries
Опубликован в 17 Dec 2018 / В Фильм и анимация

Put Your Light upon a Lampstand was the words of Jesus to all His disciples! Sounds Good, and the instructions sounds easy! But what exactly does it mean? In this video, we’ll hear a new word, It’s the Hebrew word ‘Menorah’. It is a seven branched golden lampstand that was a divine design of God himself. It is most recognized as being seen in the Tabernacle and Temples. The number seven in Scripture, is the number of both Vision and Power. The design for the Menorah was given in great detail in the book of Exodus Chapter 25. Moses was given detailed instructions. It was not just a candleholder as some think. It is a golden oil lamp with wicks that provided light. This allowed for the positioning of the lights in different directions. It is also said that the Menorah was positioned in such a way that it illuminated the Table of Showbread that stood on the opposite wall of the Sanctuary. It is God’s Lamp. It was the only source of illumination in the Tabernacle. The daily lighting of the lamps was a carefully orchestrated function of the Temple Priesthood. The Lamps were cleaned every morning by the priesthood. It represents the bringing of God’s light into the world, the light that lightens every human being. It was no coincidence in Psalm 119 that David called God’s Word a Lamp to my feet and a Light unto my path. The Lamp symbolizes the Word of God. Matthew Chapter 7 referred to the lamp as giving vision and direction on the pathway that leads to the gate of eternal life. The message is as clear now as it was then; it is not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says The LORD of Host. It is only the by the Word of God that will crush the darkness of this world and reduce the mountain of doubt and demonic opposition. God will always have anointed vessels through whom he will provide the pure olive oil that makes the Menorah burn brightly. It is by God’s Spirit, not man’s strength. You and I are living Menorahs, we are the living emblems today, we must let our light shine before men so that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven!

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