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Brit Elders - The Billy Meier Case

Published on 01 Nov 2024 / In News & Politics

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Billy Meier: The most famous Contactee Case of them all
With Brit Elders, Investigative Researcher & CEO ShirleyMcLaine.com
BritElders.com, @BritElders

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Out of the many studied cases of people who have claimed to have met ‘ET’ – either in person…on their ships, through “channeling” or perhaps an abduction event (as our recent guest Joe Jordan talked about), Billy Meier’s case is the most famous and best documented. Brit Elders, initially a skeptic, can vouch for this. She ended up working on this case for nearly eight years.

Why spend this much time with a “contactee”? To help find the answers to those big questions like, ‘If we are not alone, how must we shift our perceptions about life and the nature of reality?’ Perhaps more importantly, can friendly, advanced civilizations help us mitigate our current, planet-wide challenges and survive into the future?

Since documenting this case 45-years ago and publishing the photo-journal titled UFO…Contact from the Pleiades (that was recently re-released with a new foreword by Shirley MacLaine), there has been renewed interest in Brit’s work and the UFO phenomenon in general.

Brit will give an overview of “UFO,” which describes the case of Billy Meier – a Swiss farmer who met with visitors from the Pleiades hundreds of times and compiled an enormous amount of (non-digital, pre-computer) evidence. This included pictures, film footage, audio
recordings, dozens of witnesses, and even metal samples from the craft.

Since then, Brit has continued to do investigative work in the UFO field and will share what she’s learned about other off-world races; about the history of humans in the universe at large, and what’s “in the stars,” so to speak, for Earth’s human collective.

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