
1# The Feasts Of The LORD (Leviticus 23 & Ecclesiastes 3:1) (GOD’S APPOINTMENT BOOK) (3-6-21)

47 Bekeken
Manhu Ministries
gepubliceerd op 05 Mar 2021 / In Film & Animatie


(Ecclesiastes 3:1):
"To Everything there is a ‘SEASON, A TIME’ for every purpose under Heaven:".

So many verses in Scripture come back to The Foundational Truth that God knows best and wants us to Trust Him in ‘ALL THINGS AND AT ALL TIMES’. He made the world and governs the universe, and is never surprised at what is going on in the world, nor thecircumstances that are happening in the individual lives of His children.

‘TIMES and SEASONS’ have been foreordained by God. He even knows the number of hairs on our heads and the Lord our God has scheduled each day of our lives. So often, we think that we know what would be best for ourselves and humanity, and our own perceived ideas are often revealed in our prayers... and yet the desires of ourheart and our petitions to the Lord, often conflict with God's wider will for our lives and His desire and destiny for us.

In Leviticus 23 God declares certain days on The Biblical Calendar to be ‘MO’ADIM’, or: (APPOINTED TIMES). They include the weekly Sabbath, the Feasts of Passover and Pentecost, Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Booths.

It is not uncommon to hear people refer to ‘The Appointed Times’ as the Jewish festivals. This is ‘Only Partially True’, in that Scripturally, God did give His Appointed Times to the world through the people of Israel. He told the Israelites, "The LORD's appointed times which you shall proclaim as holy convocations—My Appointed Times are these" (Leviticus 23:2). The Jewish people are the distributors of God's calendar.

However, ‘God Does Not Refer To Them As Jewish Festivals’! He refers to them as: ‘MY APPOINTED TIMES’. They are God's Holy Days. Paul asks:

(Romans 3:29):
"Is God the God of Jews only? Is He not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also"

The Bible never offered Gentile Christians any alternative festival days. To say that Gentilebelievers are ‘Not Able To Keep God's Appointed Times’ is the same thing as saying that Gentile believers are not supposed to have any holy days or days of worship. Neither the Gospels nor the Epistles grant the Gentile believers ‘Their Own Special Festivals’.

In the days of the Apostles, both Jewish and Gentile believers ‘Observed God's Appointed Times Together’. They met in the synagogues and in the Temple on the Sabbath and Festival Days to Celebrate and Observe God's Holy Days. When Gentile Christianity left the cradle of Their ROOTS, the Gentile Christians began to neglect ‘God’s Appointed Times’. The timing of Passover was changed. The other Festivals fell into dis-use. (Is This What God Intended For Believers?)

The Apostle Paul tells us the festivals are “a shadow of the things to come”…

(Colossians 2:16-17):

Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an Holyday (FEAST), or of the New Moon, or of the Sabbath days: ‘Which Are A Shadow Of Things To Come’; ‘BUTTHE BODY IS OF CHRIST (REFERRING TO THE CHURCH).

This means that from Creation, God has given mankind ‘Celebrations That Are Prophetic (SHADOWS)’, pointing to the coming of Christ and The Messianic Kingdom. According to the prophets, in that Kingdom, with Christ ruling and reigning in Jerusalem, ‘All Mankind, Both JEWS and GENTILES’ will be Celebrating ‘God’s Appointed Times:

(Isaiah 66:23):

“From New Moon to New Moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, ‘All Flesh Shall Come To Worship Before Me, Declares The LORD”.

In turn, ‘The Biblical Calendar’, perfectly encompasses the Past, Present, and Future for allhumanity, ‘Both JEW and GENTILE’ (ONE NEW HUMANITY) …

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