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"Reich's Orgone Protocol for Disease - including from Geoengineering"

Published on 26 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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DeToxing from Geoengineering and More
With Allyson McQuinn, DHHP, JAOH, Heilkunst Doctor-Healer
Heilkunst.com, Homeopathy.com

Available diagrams from talk: 1) Principled Map of Heilkunst Medicine
https://your-mp.com/wp-content..../uploads/2024/05/Pri 2) Functional Medicine Chart #1.
Note: For better context, here are links to their respective blogs.


What Is Sequential Therapy? – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic

FREEDOM HUB – Your-mp.com
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We were blown away by Allyson’s talk. We hope you are, too.

With seven states writing or considering legislation to ban chemtrails, otherwise known as geoengineering or solar radiation management, Americans are wondering if the chronic disease affecting them (and most of the population) stems from pollution just coming from industry… or also from what is being sprayed into our atmosphere. “It comes from both,” says Dr. McQuinn, who has been detoxing patients from radiation, vaccines, and chemtrails for the last 23 years AND curing their chronic disease.

Environmentalists had hoped back in 2015 that an EPA rulemaking would clean up jet exhaust, but the 2020 final rule omitted toxic cloud formation and the emission of harmful metallic and other aerosols – associated with Alzheimer’s, autism, cancer, and a plethora of debilitating illnesses.

We need doctors to learn from heroes like Ms. McQuinn, to not only acknowledge the harm being done from geoengineering and other sources of global pollution, but to learn how to detox people and cure them, as well. With the Heilkunst protocols, developed by Samuel Hahnemann, Rudophy Steiner, and Wilhelm Reich – and with the work of Dr. Ryke Hamer (German New Medicine) later added – the future of health is suddenly looking much brighter.

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