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Building Biologists Protect us from the Wireless Prison - Chronic Disease is really Electric Illness

Published on 15 Mar 2024 / In News & Politics


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Building Biologists Protect us from the Wireless Prison - Chronic Disease is really Electric Illness

Roman Shapoval - Founder, “The Power Couple”


FREEDOM HUB – Your-mp.com

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Did you know that heart disease was the 25th cause of death in 1850, before the dawn of the Age of Electricity?

If you’re an American in your forties, you have as great a chance of dying from heart disease as a seventy-year old did in 1970. What happened?

The real epidemic - chronic disease - has exploded from 10% of Americans in 1990 to over half by 2010, representing about 90% of our total health spend.

Too few, though, are aware of the impact on chronic disease from the growing mesh of antennas outside our bedrooms, classrooms, parks, and offices, not to mention all of the sensors in our homes and on our bodies.

What can we do?

Actual disability from Electromagnetic Radiation exposure affects millions in the Industrialized West, and most have no idea the Wireless Mesh is depressing them and shortening lives, health, and happiness.

Building Biology is a holistic approach to housing, which seeks to mitigate EMF damage and construct or modify homes in a way that is harmonious with nature. While it is well known that our brains and cells communicate under the same frequency of Earth itself, the assault by unnatural wireless radiation now affects each of us and our Earth, as well. Evidence of this has been found by our top scientific institutions, like the National Toxicology Program, and thousands of studies. Today, little is standing in the way of Telecom as it deploys its 5G antenna forest worldwide.

Telecom's antennas outside our bedrooms, classrooms, parks & farms will spy on, fry and coerce America into a Digital Gulag!

Thus, we must learn from the Building Biologists how to protect ourselves and push back against captured legislators who care nothing about our health or rights.

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