
Part #3 (The Fall Feasts - The Day Of Atonement – ‘YOM KIPPUR’)! (9-16-21)

373 Bekeken
Manhu Ministries
gepubliceerd op 24 Oct 2020 / In Film & Animatie

*(How would you like to walk through the Holy Courts of The Temple with the High Priest as He Sprinkles The Required 47 Drops of Blood on The Day of Atonement? You Can! This Teaching Video MAKES THAT POSSIBLE! So Come as we walk Through each of ‘The 5 Steps of Atonement’ on The Most Holiest Day listed for us in The Bible!)*
The reason you won’t hear very much teaching on ‘The Book of Leviticus 16, is because it takes, a lot of research, and going through, thousands, and thousands, of pages, of ancient, historical documents, to see, and understand, the way, that this, very unusual, Temple Service, was observed, in the days of Jesus. So, let’s take The High Priest by The Hand as He leads us through these Holy Courts, following His Step-By-Step, God Given Instructions of Atonement on this most Mysterious Day In The Temple!
IT BEGINS! With two handfuls of incense and a shovel full of glowing coals from the altar, the high priest entered into the darkness of God’s throne room to make atonement. What does atonement mean? Atonement does not simply mean “forgiveness for sins.”
The Hebrew Word: ‘Yom’ means: (Day). The Hebrew Word: 'Kippur', can mean: (FORGIVENESS OF SIN), but it has a 2nd, not unrelated implication. It can also be rendered as: (A RANSOM FOR ONE’S LIFE). In The Hebrew Scriptures of the same root, a 'KOPHER', can mean: (A Payment Made In Exchange For A Blood-Debt).
The suffering and the death of 'JESUS', Truly Satisfied All The Requirements FORESHADOWED Within 'The Book Of Leviticus 16' with The 47 Drops Of Blood of 'The Day of Atonement', not just in The Sanctuary on Earth, but in The Heavenly Sanctuary, as it says in (Hebrews 8:2): 'Jesus serves as “a Minister In The Sanctuary And In The True Tabernacle, Which The LORD Pitched, Not Man ”.
He has entered into The Holy Of Holies In Heaven—The Throne Room Of God —And Applied The Work Of His Own Sacrifice To Accomplish Atonement. He Entered Into The Presence Of God For Us So That He Might Usher Us In As Well:
(Hebrews 9:11–12) 'But when Christ appeared as a High Priest of the good THINGS TO COME, He entered (THE HOLY OF HOLIES) through the greater and more perfect TABERNACLE, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation; and not through The Blood of Goats and Calves, but through HIS OWN BLOOD, He entered The Holy Place Once For All, having obtained Eternal Redemption.
This indicates that 'The Ceremony Of The Day Of Atonement FORESHADOWS THE WORK OF CHRIST: His Death, His Sacrifice, and The Atoning Work of His Blood. We boldly enter The Presence Of God because The Blood Of Christ Covers Us.
Today He Intercedes on His people’s behalf before The Throne Of God as a HIGH PRIEST. So Come, let’s take The High Priest by The Hand as He leads us through these Holy Courts, following His Step-By-Step, God Given Instructions of Atonement on this most Mysterious Day In The Temple making Atonement for Whosoever Will..

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