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Part #3 (The 3 Prophetic Trumpets of The LORD)! (10-3-20)

Manhu Ministries
Published on 01 Oct 2020 / In Film & Animation

‘THE GREAT TRUMPET’ or in Hebrew: (SHOFAR HAGADOL), marks a dramatic conclusion of ‘THE 40 DAY SEASON OF TESHUVAH’ (TURNING/RETURNING/REPENTANCE). THE SEASON OF TESHUVAH begins on the 1st Day of The Biblical Month of Elul where it’s said that ‘Gates of Heaven’ has been opened for whosoever will to enter those Gates with Thanksgiving! Therefore, Entrance through ‘The Gates of Heaven’ begins with ‘TESHUVAH-REPENTANCE’! (luke 13:3) ‘NAY LEST YOU REPENT, YOU WILL ALL LIKEWISE PERISH’! 30 Days later when ‘The Last Trumpet’ is Sounded at ‘THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS’, which for those who used The Time of ‘Teshuvah-Repentance’, will initiate ‘THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD’ to Enter ‘THOSE OPENED GATES OF HEAVEN’! And now we come to ‘THE ENDING OF DAYS’ 10 DAYS later at ‘THE DAY OF ATONEMENT’… It is ‘The Final Service in the late afternoon on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), called NEILAH. NEILAH meaning: “THE CLOSING OF THE GATES.” The idea is that on the LAST DAY of ‘40 Day Season of Teshuvah’, that ‘The Gates of Repentance’ are Closing and that the last few moments of ‘THE LAST DAYS’ are still available to us to do ‘Teshuvah – (TURNING/RETURNING/REPENTANCE) before ‘THE GATES ARE CLOSED’. The Basic Message is, that during the Time that ‘THE GATES OF HEAVEN’ have been OPENED, ‘REPENT AND ENTER THROUGH THOSES GATES BEFORE IT’S EVERLASTING TOO LATE’! Well, that only leaves us with one question: ‘WHEN ARE THE GATES OF HEAVEN OPEN’? Well I think that question has already been answered for us! The Message that ‘THE FALL FEASTS’ teach us, is simply the ‘MESSAGE OF JOHN THE BAPTIST, THE PROPHETS, ALL DISCIPLES and Most Importantly, THE MESSAGE OF JESUS’! WHAT! YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT ‘THE MESSAGE OF THE FALL FEASTS IS THE MESSAGE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (APOSTOLIC SCRIPTURES)? YES, IT IS! See if this sounds familiar: (Matthew 3:2) ‘ REPENT, (SEASON OF TESHUVAH TEACHING): FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND’ (THE GATES HAVE BEEN OPENED FOR THOSE WHOSOEVER WILLS THAT USES THE TIME OF REPENTANCE). But since this TRUE, what makes us think that The Teaching of ‘THE GREAT TRUMPET OF THE DAY OF ATONEMENT’ won’t come to pass also? When that ‘GREAT TRUMPET SOUNDS’, THE GATES OF HEAVEN ‘WILL BE CLOSED’! ‘THE FEASTS OF THE LORD’ show us perfectly ‘THE MESSAGE OF THE GOSPELS’, the failure to use them has ALWAYS caused Misinterpretations of THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, especially, THE WORDS OF JESUS! (luke 13:3) ‘NAY LEST YOU REPENT (SEASON OF TESHUVAH TEACHING), YOU WILL ALL LIKEWISE PERISH’ (NEILAH SERVICE-THE GATES WILL CLOSE WITH THE SOUND WITH ‘THE GREAT TRUMPET)!

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