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Part #2 (The 3 Prophetic Trumpets of The LORD)! (9-26-20)

291 Ansichten
Manhu Ministries
Veröffentlicht auf 24 Sep 2020 / Im Film & Animation

Pt 2# (The 3 Prophetic Trumpets of The LORD)!
Pirkei Avot 5:6 (Ancient Commentary on Genesis 22):
“Abraham saw Prophetically a ‘Special Sacrificial Ram’ in the future, which was created from The Foundation of The World’. He realized that there was Something Unique about The Ram with it’s 'HEAD CAUGHT BY THORNS', and used it therefore, as a 'SUBSTITUTE SACRIFICE' in lieu of his son.’ …
In Part 2# of this 3 Part Series, we’re going to pick up right where left off Last week, with our study of the 3 mysterious Prophetic Trumpets which, according to the ancient Sages of Israel, were created from the Foundation of the world, which are meant to helps us better understand some of the hidden mysteries concerning The Feast of Trumpets and the resurrection of the dead!
Again tonight, we’ll be studying the events of Genesis 22, the prescribed Reading for ‘The Feast of Trumpets’, where God told Abraham to Sacrifice His Only Son Isaac, but in the text, we see Abraham instructing his Servants (Disciples), to wait at the foot of the mountain (The Location of ‘The Garden of Gethsemane’), because he and Isaac was going up (A Little Farther, In The Same Garden That Jesus Told His Disciples To Wait While He Went A Little Farther To Pray The Day That He Was Offered By His Father As Our SUBSTITUTE SACRIFCE), to worship and then, both of them, Father and Son, would be returning! Abraham believed that when he offered up Isaac, that somehow, someway God would Resurrect him!
(Genesis 22:4-6):
So Abraham took ‘The Wood Of The Burnt Offering (FOR THE SACRIFICE)’ and ‘Laid It On Isaac His Son (TO CARRY UP THE MOUNTAIN); and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife, and the two of them went together…
Look how The Sages explained this Biblical Event in Their Commentary:
(Midrash, Genesis Rabbah 56:3): ‘“Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his only son Isaac,” like one who carries his own execution stake (cross) up on Mount Moriah, on his shoulder, as Isaac carried the wood on his” (1st Century Teaching).
If it appears like ‘Mount Moriah’ an ‘Golgotha’ has a lot in common, you would be Right! The Hebrew way of Pronouncing: ‘Mount Moriah’ is: (Har M’oriyah)..The Hebrew way of Pronouncing: ‘Golgotha’ is: (Gulgolut)..With all their Similarities, ‘They Both Have THE SAME NUMERICAL VALUE of (466)!
(Genesis 22:10): ‘And He (Abraham) ‘BOUND’ Isaac his son and laid him on the altar, upon the wood. It’s interesting when you read the Text in Hebrew! The Text says that before He was put ‘Upon The Wood’, that He Carried On His Back While Going Up The Mount’, that His Only Son Isaac was ‘BOUND’. The Hebrew Word used in The Text for ‘BOUND’ is: (AKOD). The Hebrew Word (AKOD-BOUND), is The Same Hebrew Word for: (STRIPED)! Therefore, The Only Son of The Father Carried His Own Wooden Altar Up Mount Moriah (Golgotha), He Was ‘Striped’ Before He Was Put on The Wood, and Abraham Saw The ‘Substitute Sacrifice’ With ‘Thorns Around His Head’, in the thicket! I Know, The Feasts of The LORD Are So Important For Proper Bible Study!
Therefore it’s believed that Isaac’s Resurrection took place on the Feast of Trumpets, thereby connecting The Feast of Trumpets, the Sound of the Trumpet, with The Resurrection of The Dead! The Sages also taught that it’s here at The binding of Isaac, that 2 of the 3 Prophetic Trumpets can be found. The Special Trumpets are attached to the Special Ram that seemingly just appeared from out of nowhere, caught in the thicket by its 2 horns! But where did this Special Ram come from? The Sages taught that God created this Special Ram, and it’s 2 Special Horns, from the foundation of the world as a substitute sacrifice, to die in Isaac’s place. If that concept sounds familiar, the Book of Revelation tells us that Jesus, Our Substitute Sacrifice was also prepared and slain from the foundation of the world, according to the Sages, so was this Special Ram with its 2 Special Horns prepared from the Genesis creation!
Would it be fair to say: (John 8:56-58) “Your father Abraham rejoiced to See My day (JESUS), and he Saw it (Prophetic Future) and was glad”

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