David Clements, Healing From The Toxic Soup
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Living Energetics: Healing from the Toxic Soup
With Dr. David Clements, MMath, MASt, DPhil
InfiniteSourceCreations.com, isee-infynergy.com
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For decades, Americans have been slowly poisoned – harmed by hundreds of unseen, ubiquitous toxins, like WIFI, 5G, EMFs, Glyphosate, Food Additives, Fluoride, and more. Meanwhile, our media blasts out “toxic” messages which entice us to increase our usage of these toxic products, with the promise of living a happier, more joyful life; until you no longer can. Pain and chronic disease have turned your smile upside down.
A rising awareness of this has helped many dodge the proverbial bullet, yet with microwave towers, 5F, and WIFI, and even glyphosate now unavoidable, what can one do? Fortunately, there are solutions available -- with an increasing number coming from independent, Tesla-like inventors such as our guest, Dr. David Clements.
Hailing from England, David trained as a theoretical physicist at some of the world’s most prestigious institutions, gaining master’s and doctorate degrees in mathematics, theoretical physics, and philosophy. It was during his first year of doctoral work in super-string theory that he became both colleagues and good friends with Dr. Tom Bearden. This shifted his understanding of physics and engineering in profound ways.
Discovering the university did not want him working on anything “novel,” he eventually quit and moved to the US to continue his work. Along the way, David also studied and practiced remote viewing and learned details about multi-dimensional physics. He also had contact with scientists from other star systems, who then began working with him.
David also worked with the renowned, free-energy maverick John Bedini, and was invited to take part in the documentary, Energy from the Vacuum. This eventually became the foundation for what he calls the physics of living, multi-dimensional energetics -- a massive field containing new and profoundly beneficial technologies.
David’s work with this living energetics is about tapping into the deep fundamentals of what is both hidden and yet all around us. It is about transforming the reality we live in into a symbiotic harmonious one, where all energy behaviors mutually uplift and expand human
consciousness, and where degenerative properties (like 5G, etc.) are transformed into generative ones. In collaboration with his teams, many exciting technologies have already been created.