
Trump Plays 3D Chess With Impeachment Lunacy

388 Просмотры
Опубликован в 25 Sep 2019 / В Новости и политика

Before the wave of confusion surrounding the obvious corruption between Biden and Son and a phone call President Trump made to the Ukranian President to inquire on that corruption before the U.S. handed over 400 million dollars to a historically corrupt nation. The Socialist Democrat's Princess Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was whining that the bigger national scandal was that the Democratic party wasn't impeaching the President. And now Pelosi and Schumer's true boss has made her satisfaction known.

Biden and company are wading into the contempt quicksand. Because now Joe Biden and his son who had zero expertise on oil and natural gas and got billions in deals including the Ukraine and China will fumble over their story as they already have from the start. The China investigation will ultimately involve the nephew of no less than Boston Gangster Whitey Bulger and John Kerry's stepson. I can hear the destruction of evidence now in the Obama Camp as those transcripts between Biden and the Ukranian officials seem to accidentally disappear. As two Investigations will continue to waste even more taxpayer dollars and insult more of our collective intelligence. One investigation looking into President Trump's phone call with the Ukranian President which could turn out to be a Royal Flush for the Trump Administration. And the other inspecting Joe Biden's public braggadocio that he protected Hunter from a Ukranian Corruption Investigation. Not to mention, as the Gateway Pundit reported "Why a Corrupt Obama Ambassador Refused Visas to Ukrainian Officials to Enter US who Had Evidence of Obama Adminstration's Misconduct to Give to Trump Officials.

Throughout all of this Is Trump playing 3D Chess?

Meanwhile Pelosi, who doesn't have the votes for impeachment, has the nerve to quote Benjamin Franklin while her do nothing party continues to weaken it's legitimacy as a party and the security of the Executive office. As if America is blind to the attacks the Democrats have waged on the Founding Fathers for years. It's simple, the President would have been commiting a deriliction of duty had he allowed a former Executive to engage in corruption as is stated in Article 2 section 3 of the U.S. Constitution.. The Democrats are toying with Providence and an impeachment Frankenstein monster that will surely destroy them in the end.

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