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The Comey Puppet Show Never Ends

Published on 05 Oct 2020 / In News & Politics

According to former FBI Director Jim Comey abuse of power by the top brass at the FBI is how doing it by the book is done at the top law enforcement agency in the world.

It took four years to gather them but all of the pieces have been found regarding the deep state corruption jigsaw puzzle. The Russian collusion instigated by power mad demon Hillary Clinton has been completely unearthed. It is now known that The CIA asked the FBI in 2016 to investigate whether Hillary Clinton had approved a plot to distract from her email crimes by “stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services,” according to newly declassified information. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee explaining that the CIA’s referral had been given to top FBI leadership, including former Director James Comey and Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok.
The CIA had, ironically, learned of the allegations from Russian intelligence claiming Clinton “had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee.”
Of course the Democrats continued their disconnected pattern of preying on the gullible. Claiming that impending matters required more attention. The entire scam is laid out in documentation signed of by James Comey. Comey clearly weaponized the FBI in favor of Hillary Clinton’s reckless attempt to frame then candidate Trump. The American people are tired of witnessing the Senate gridlock. Comey, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Paige, and their deep state crew should all face charges. To not charge them will accelerate the corruption and America toward its inevitable demise.

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