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*Grafted-In, The One New Man* Pt. 2# The Jewish & Christian Declaration of Independence)

456 vistas
Publicado en 07 May 2020 / En Cine y Animación

*Grafted-In Symbol, The Revelation of 'The One New Man* Pt. 2: (The Jewish & Christian Declaration of Independence!)-(1st 9 Min. are a review of Pt. 1) This video introduces More Biblical Symbols! Symbols are important, (Communion, Baptisms)The 'Grafted-In Symbol' is no different! It is The Biblical, Cultural and Physical Proof, that when Jesus Dies for you, 'The Walls of Partition', that Separates Jews & Gentiles, (Biblically, Culturally and Physically) have 'ALREADY BEEN TORN DOWN'! If those Walls, That Jesus' Crucifixion Tore Down, are still standing, then you have a bigger problem! If Jesus has Not Died for you, by which Tears Down Those Walls, then we're either Blinded at Best, or Worse, Lost! This video shows The Revelation, and Power hidden within these Biblical Symbols!

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