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Sam Parker - Jewish Power

Published on 18 Nov 2024 / In News & Politics

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Zionists Collude with Anti-Zionists...to Retain Global Control?
With Sam Parker, social critic & former Congressional Candidate
@SamParkerSenate on X

FREEDOM HUB – Your-mp.com
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WE APOLOGIZE. This email was previously edited to clearly delineate the difference between "regular Jews," as former FH guest Henry Makow termed it, and the extremist Zionist Jews -- those secretly beholden to the global 'Kabbal' (Kabbalists) which serve a dark, Luciferian agenda. Whether or not this is the position our guest holds to, it is Freedom Hub's position. It is time to come together as one people and spread the love. We don't need any more divisiveness. There are good and bad apples in any group, and the best course of action to turn the bad to good --ultimately -- is kindness and compassion.

As early Q leader Dustin Nemos warned (1) on Freedom Hub, Trump can’t be trusted to bury the Deep State because he’s beholden like all world powers to the Rothschild family that controls all nations via central banking. And Scruples inventor Makow also disclosed (2) that the religion of his youth was as Satanic as Bolshevik refugee Bella Dodd wrote in her tell-all, “School of Darkness”.

Raising the "Jewish Power" topic is dangerous, as calling for mere boycott of Israel over Gaza genocide will lose you employment and contracts in 37 states. “Free Speech Champion” Trump has hired a Wall Street mogul as his Transition Chair who will bar hiring of any Israeli skeptic; he even has called for punishment for anyone tarred - even unfairly - of the “anti-Semitism” canard, a phrase so abused that it defines “crying wolf” - witness the cries of Israeli soccer hooligans when starting fights with Dutch Palestinian immigrants.

The threat to humanity from the Zionist, globalist sect is so great that controversial newscaster Stew Peters has made a brand new documentary about it called ”Occupied”. It stars, (3) among other social critics, Sam Parker, a prolific content creator on X and former
congressional candidate.

Mr. Parker believes that these Jewish extremists have perfected the “divide and conquer” strategy over centuries and will prevent any true fulfillment by any other culture or individual until removed from positions of power over our lives and opportunities. How do we get
out from under the yoke of global tyrants, and how do we even discuss it without being silenced before the debate even begins?

1) https://rumble.com/v5gs5yl-esc....aping-demonic-space-
2) https://rumble.com/v4w00q6-con....gress-bans-criticism
3) https://x.com/SamParkerSenate

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