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Remote Viewing With Courtney Brown

Published on 13 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Remote Viewing: Revealing Hidden Truths We Haven’t Been Told

Courtney Brown, PhD - Director and Founder of The Farsight Institute
Farsight.org, FarsightPrime.com, Instagraam: @ CourtneyBrownFarsight

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To counter the possibility of Soviet ‘psychic’ spying in the 70’s, the CIA contracted with the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) to first see if it was even possible, and if so, to develop a program to counter it. They discovered it was possible, and developed a program – perhaps better called a methodology – called Remote Viewing. When a Soviet MIG fighter went down and was lost in Africa, President Carter tasked the agency to use their new Remote Viewing
program to find it. And they did.

Courtney Brown, a mathematician, social scientist, and a professor at Emory University,
was fascinated with Remote Viewing from the get-go. Could it be used for scientific purposes, to go back and view the dinosaurs, for example, or the crucifixion of Christ?
Indeed, as Dr. Brown later discovered, it can be used for that and more – like remote viewing of extra-terrestrial (ET) bases here on earth, as well as on the moon and Mars. These bases, he explains in the video, have human military personnel and ET’s working side by side, and this must be brought out in the open.)

Following his passion, Brown founded The Farsight Institute (www.farsight.org), a
nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to the study of the phenomenon of nonlocal consciousness known as "remote viewing." He is also CEO of the streaming service, FarsightPrime.com, the largest venue anywhere of public remote viewing projects. He has published peer-reviewed research on this subject in premier scientific outlets, and has spoken internationally at a host of prestigious venues and events.

Dr. Brown received his PhD from Washington University in political science with an emphasis on mathematical modeling, and began his teaching career as a college
calculus instructor before moving on to teach nonlinear differential equation modeling in the social sciences. Clearly, he’s no slouch.

Remote Viewing challenges our concepts of our ‘physical’ world and what is possible,
while giving us a much-needed tool to uncover the Truth. Please watch and share
this video. Dr. Brown is one of the world’s leading scholars on this subject.

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