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Mark Aubry - Testing And Remedies For Long Term Vax Injury

Published on 22 Mar 2025 / In News & Politics

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Integrated Doctors Finding Covid VAX Injury Treatments
With Mark Aubry, CEO, Impact Health

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Since the inception of Rockefeller “modern medicine,” Americans have watched their health steadily decline, and their incidence of chronic disease steadily increase. Today we know that this isn’t just a coincidence. The U.S. healthcare industry is the 3rd largest in the country, with spending at roughly $10,224 per person. 2024 profits (from
payer/pharma/providers), not revenues, are forecast to top $485 billion
(zippia.com). Because a true health care model designed to keep people healthy and cure disease could never have grown into this behemoth, the industry leaders (Big pHARMa) instead opted to choose profits over people.

The Covid fraud-demic corruption made this even more obvious, ultimately pushing to the fore doctors and healers who were already disillusioned with mainstream medicine. Of the 3/4ths of Americans who were lied to and coerced into participating in the Covid experiment, many are suffering long-lasting injuries – some quite painful.

Our returning guest, Mark Aubry, has been working in the business of medicine and health for 25 years. He is an entrepreneur and educator, and is the Founder and CEO of Impact Health, a global leader in the New Health Economy.

One of Impact Health’s companies, Created for Health, has developed a Covid19 Vaccine
Residual Analysis that determines:
• The presence of a Covid19 Vaccine
• The presence of the Covid19 Spike
Protein, and
• If the functionality of the RNA/DNA has been disrupted or damaged by the VAX

Through several studies, Impact Health and their partners have been able to determine,
among other things, that as many as 80% of the UNVACCINATED have the synthetic mRNA in their blood through something called Transmission. (Many people refer to this, incorrectly, as “shedding.”)

Impact Health’s partner, Created for Health, has developed a remedy to remove the synthetic mRNA — from both the vaccinated and those who have the mRNA from Transmission. Over the past year, Mark and his research partners have written eight (8) papers about these topics and are currently conducting ongoing studies.

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