
Is Healthcare racist and hurting Blacks? Or, is it hurting everybody?

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Опубликован в 04 Aug 2023 / В Фильм и анимация

⁣Is Healthcare racist and hurting Blacks? Or, is it hurting everybody?

Kevin Jenkins - CEO, Urban Global Health Alliance
⁣kev@kevdjenkins1963, @kevdjenkins19631, linkedin.com/company/ghalliance/about

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He warned us even before Covid experts worried about racism in healthcare. In 2021 Sanjay Prasad of Surgiquality told Freedom Hub that lack of guidance in picking the best specialist hurts especially minorities, leading to racial disparities such as more hysterectomies for black women, less frequent aneurysm repairs for black men, and higher post-surgical deaths for black patients.

Covid highlighted this disparity, with a CNN report last year on excess injury and death among African Americans. When Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., reported on studies outlining this racial disparity, however, he was lambasted, because, well, the media was found by the courts to have been instructed by the Biden Administration to censor RFK. Iatrogenesis – or injury from medical treatments – is less acute among Whites. How can we reverse this systemic racism?

Not only has RFK been silenced for telling the truth, but so has Mr. Jenkins, co-producer of Medical Racism: The New Apartheid. Kevin isn’t off base to suspect black targeting by authority figures. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before, what with the Tuskegee experiments on denying medicine to suffering syphilis patients, or just as recently as 2004, the censoring of CDC whistleblower William Thompson regarding the MMR vaccine’s disproportionate harm (autism-like symptoms) to black boys.

All humans, of all races and colors, are suffering from iatrogenesis – the third-leading cause of death! Several studies have reproduced that there is a 1,000% increase in chronic disease among the vaccinated, compared to the unvaccinated. Even before COVID, we saw chronic disease explode, from 10% in 1990 to 50% in 2010. Clearly, today’s conventional medical system is not working.

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