Adam Gattuso - The Nuclear Option
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Covid-awakening Nukes the Medical Monopoly
With Adam Gattuso, science writer & author of “The Nuclear Option”
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When courageous doctors faced massive persecution for promoting off-label drugs
rather than an experimental, untested Covid vaccine, non-conventional health practitioners were ignored and silenced even more—for using herbs, natural cures, nutrition, and energy medicine to successfully deal with Covid.
Mr. Gattuso was the first during Covid to write at length about treatments and prevention. Writing for society and specialists alike, his book “The Nuclear Option” shows how these medicines were powerful enough to bring the coronavirus to extinction and can protect us against pathogens we will encounter long afterwards.
The Nuclear Option is so dangerous to the corrupt medical establishment’s agenda that it was placed under a blockade by the entire media while tens of thousands of people were dying every day. Much of this reporting still remains unshared beyond this book. Most Americans also do not understand the extent to which their government is directly suppressing health speech.
Five years later, many have buried the coronavirus apocalypse into memory, simply wanting to forget about it and move on. But the price of apathy is the unacceptable status quo: People are getting sicker and sicker.
Adam wants an integrative health revolution—for patients, practitioners and especially medical schools. Primary care should start via integrative medicine, naturopathy, and the traditional methods of the world that harness the healing power of Nature.