8# Tetzaveh (Ex 27:20-30:10) (VESSELS OF LIGHT CLOTHED WITH GARMENTS OF LIGHT) (2-27-21)

Manhu Ministries
Published on 24 Feb 2021 / In Film & Animation

(ITS DARLENES ⁣BIRTHDAY! ‘Join Darlene and Me In A Sit Down Round Table Torah PortionDiscussion/Teaching’)

(TETZAVEH) is the ⁣20th reading from the Torah. Tetzaveh (תצוה) means ‘YOU SHALL COMMAND,’ as in the first verse of the reading, which says:

(Exodus 27:20)

"You shall ⁣command’ the sons of Israel, that they bring you ‘Clear Oil Of Beaten Olives’ for the ‘LIGHT’, to make a ‘Lamp (MENORAH) Burn Continually".

This Torah portion ⁣continues to give us the instructions for the construction of the Tabernacle, focusing particularly on The Priesthood that was to serve in that Sanctuary. The Israelites are Commanded to make Special Garments for Aaron and his sons to wear while ministering as Priests. After describing The Priestly Garments, the Portion concludes with instructions for the ritual inauguration of Aaron and his sons into The Priesthood. Aaron, The High Priest, received a Special Anointing, as Torah says:

(Exodus 29:7):

“Then you shall take ⁣‘The Anointing Oil’ and pour it on his head and Anoint him”

The Torah refers to ⁣the high priest as ‘HaKohen HaMashiach’ (הכהן המשיח), which translates as: ‘The Anointed Priest’, or to put it a different way, (THE MESSIAH PRIEST)! Messiah in Hebrew (MASHIYACH) means ‘Anointed One’! The Bible makes reference to ‘3 Offices’ that received ‘The Symbolic Anointing With Oil’:

(1.) ‘The Priests’

(2.) ‘The Prophets’

(3.) ‘The Kings’

(Jesus functions in ⁣all 3: ‘He is ‘The Prophet, The Priest, and The King.) In His first coming, He ministered as a (PROPHET). After His Resurrection, He ascended to His (PRIESTHOOD) of the order of Melchizedek. When He returns, He will rule from Jerusalem as (KING).

BIRTHDAY! ‘Join Darlene and Me In A Sit Down Round Table Torah Portion

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