
Sherry Anshalar - Consciousness And Healing

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Опубликован в 07 Dec 2024 / В Другой

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Your Cell’s Memory Can Heal You
With Sherry Anshara, Renowned Medical Intuitive
& Christina Elizondo, Namaste Funding
ansharainstitute.org, SherryAnshara.com, @MedicineWomanLioness

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With the failure of mainstream medicine to stop the explosion of the real epidemic – chronic disease – self-thinking patients have begun replacing pHARMa’s pills for a host of widely-divergent, more natural treatments that range from chiropractic and juicing, to yoga,
meditation, and grounding. By 2025 the statistics tell us that 47% of professional healthcare providers will be out of the system due to extreme burnout and other physical and emotional issues. This will leave a huge gap and create more competition for patients/clients. The
problem is huge; there will not be enough healthcare providers! And while all of these integrative modalities are delivering better health outcomes, what about healing from within?

From her experience coaching professionals and training corporate cultures to function, Ms. Anshara has concluded that everyone’s dis-ease journey must connect back to its origination point - even, perhaps, to their mother’s womb.

Ms. Anshara – Sherry – works with the many scientists and doctors behind New Science, which basically is health from the inside out. Through the nonprofit ww.ansharainstitute.org, she is now teaching healthcare professionals and establishing a new profession in healthcare to fill this growing gap. This is also directed at people who desire to live a longer, healthier life.

Her Anshara AHA! Method(R) of Accelerated Healing provides practical tools to healthcare professionals, therapists and those who would like to be healthy themselves. Or to help themselves and/or their patients/clients to overcome cancer, depression, anxiety, and PTSD, both civilian and military. This Anshara AHA! Method(R) is based on the body's NI (Natural Intelligence), with Cellular Memory overcoming the Cellular Memorization of their emotional and physical issues.

Ms. Elizondo raises funds for conscious entrepreneurs and will explain what attracted her to the AHA Method and expands from there on the market potential for conscious entrepreneurs in any field. After all, so many of us want more conscious paths, so let’s discuss the details on how to help it grow!

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