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George Soros Army Crushes MLK's Legacy

Published on 27 Jul 2020 / In News & Politics

all it like it is. A specter is haunting the United States. It’s nothing less than a radical communist political conspiracy. What we are seeing across these United States is funded in large part by corporations engaging in chinese slave labor and the notorious unchallenged usurpation of George Soros. And like the Sublime Perfect Masters of old, Soros will take nothing less than the collapse of the United States at any cost.

Soros’ network is massive. Where a league of outlaws fueled by an endless stream of funding, Marxist ideology and peer pressure answer to centralized radical left organizations that in turn receive public support from Democratic leaders and mockingbird media all tied into the grand nihilist strategy. Portland, Oregon is ground zero. And it’s liberal Mayor found out first hand that his Civil Rights rhetoric is useless against the Marxist maelstrom.

The strategic attack on the Federal building in downtown Portland puts President Trump in a damned if he does damned if he doesn’t situation.

While Democrats loyal to the United Nations Strong Cities Network initiative annihilate the truth to fit their propaganda of subversion. And Our justice system is equally compromised as Bloomberg reported Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner in a statement. “Anyone, including federal law enforcement, who unlawfully assaults and kidnaps people will face criminal charges from my office.”

Would Martin Luther King’s movement of non violence continued to march as Americans died in its wake? As American small businesses were torched by his followers? We all know the answer to that, it’s an obvious resounding no.


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