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Published on 02 Dec 2019 / In Film & Animation

Throughout the years, the Democrats have expressed how much they dislike the US military. It’s only now the act as if they support the men and women in the military to try to game their approval in the cool against Pres. Trump.

The liberal media it Is costly pushing out fake poll numbers to try to convince the public that Pres. Trump should be impeached. But the American people I’m not buying it, the American people see exactly what the left is trying to do.

Instead of the Democrats being thankful that our economy is doing so much better, they would rather spend the time designing a way to destroy our country. Instead of the Democrats being thankful that more people are working, meaning more tax dollars into the system, they rather spent the time designing a way to destroy the country.

The Democrats have multiple people running for the presidency in 2020, and I’m single one of them can hold a candle to Pres. Trump. If the Democrats no one thing they know, they cannot be president try in 2020, and this is one of the main reasons what they are trying to impeach the president. Bloomberg has told his name into the hat, late into the game because he himself sees that not a single one of these Democrats running for president can’t be President Trump. He wants to get rid of the coal mine jobs and uses a cheap analogy and why we should support him and killing these jobs. He goes on to say that there are not that many coal miners in the industry anyway, so what’s the harm. What he doesn’t say is that there are at least 50,000 coal miners employed as of 2016.

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