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2010: The Decade Big Brother Revealed Itself

Published on 30 Dec 2019 / In News & Politics

The 2010s will go down in American History as a decade when the Bill of Rights was picked off one by one by corrupt globalist minions infesting the reigns of power in all three branches of Government fueled by a shock wave of propaganda that took the American people completely by surprise.

A recent misrepresented article from the know it all liberal mouthpieces at mashable cleverly titled "2010s = 1984: The decade we finally understood Orwell" would have you believe that we are all blind naive fools to be threatened by the growing surveillance monstrosity and that Donald Trump is Big Brother, not the carefully constructed all data consuming Intelligence apparatus .Writing ".....it's looking increasingly like we live in Oceania. That fictional state was basically the British Isles, North America, and South America. Now the leaders of the largest countries in each of those regions — Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro — are men who have learned to flood the zone with obvious lies, because their opponents simply don't have the time or energy to deal them all.
As we enter 2020, all three of them look increasingly, sickeningly, like they're going to get away with it. They are protected by Party members who will endure any humiliation to trumpet loyalty to the Great Leader (big shout-out once again to Sen. Lindsay Graham) and by a media environment that actively enables political lies (thanks, Facebook)."
Isn't it interesting how socialism camouflaged as liberalism projects its own evil deeds upon the rest of us? Because, as Chris Taylor for Mashable writes, "if anyone is protected by Party members who will endure any humiliation to trumpet loyalty to the Great Leader." One need look no further than the Democrat's recent Impeachment debacle where none of their seats are safe now and they are widely disliked by Democrats and Republicans alike.
The 2010's were lorded over until 2017 by CIA stooge President Barack Obama. Who wielded a flamethrower to freedom of speech, the free exercise of religion, gun rights and due process. Ensuring that future President's would have the power to silence dissent through any means necessary.Early on Obama criticized the Supreme Court for its ruling in the First Amendment restoring Citizens United case. While his deputy solicitor general stated in oral arguments that the government could even ban the publication of certain books too close to an election. And now Biden has teased the possibility of nominating Obama to the Supreme Court.
It was Obama, not Trump that went after leakers at 129 times the rate of his predecessors and then surrounded the next President with them. Or that Obama signed off on the Executive Order 12333 rules which made it easier for the nation’s intelligence agencies to share unfiltered information about innocent people. Allowing the Surveillance state to share raw streams of intercepted communications with Intelligence agencies with little oversight, transparency, or concern for privacy. Or Obama's signing of the NDAA through double think methods where US Citizens could now be targeted, detained and killed with no due process.
The 2010s embodied the Shadow Government's Orwellian nightmare war on the U.S. Constitution. Will the 2020s begin with the big payback to restore the founding principles of our Republic? Or are those freedoms permanently slipping away?






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